In version 2023 the Tangent function of the Wall tool doesn't work and my LW closes whenever I try to use it.
I already reported this issue, but if somebody could confirm.
When creating an arc from 3 points of an existing circle, the result is a straight line. All is fine as long as the 3rd point is near a point from the circle, but once it's on the point, the arc becomes a straight line.
This happens with any circle object (LW2020.03/LWCAD 2023.00).
Now that Lightwave will continue with future development, is there a chance that by working with LightWave Digital two display features that were broken with LWCAD 2018 could be fixed?
The first is Isolines being visible again on Nurbs surfaces when Show Cages is checked on in the Display Options.
The second being able see your color in the color swatch for the Surface Random tool and b
Hi, Carlos here.
I hope that in the future we will have features like a floor generator, I use Array for that but I hope for something more specific with presets with wooden floors, mosaics, tiles, etc.
Hi Vktor.
I miss something like a tool to make roads quickly in LWCad.
I also notice that LWCad has released few cad tools in recent years.
I hope I'm not asking too much friend.
Good luck.
Hi Victor
Why LWCad cant impor DXF on my LightWave
Tx alot.
Carlos Caldeira here
is there any statement for LWCAD for lightwave?
Official dead or official under development?
Please Victor, bring some light :-)
when adding a widow into ArchViz the glass is not being saved so when I put it into a wall the glass is not modelled. I have found the problem when I am making model windows I was making the glass from lwcad boxes which was not rendering or saving don,t know why but when I modelled from lightwave boxes all good.
Why does my shape library have 3 and 4 what appear to be duplicates?! I just deleted the files in my user/prefs/wtools/presets. Added new ones and they're duplicated again.
Is way to render in Dimensions, placed in LightWave Modeler?
Can not see or use all of numeric panel when creating pipes. What am I doing wrong? Screen is set to 4k but still not enough room to see the complete panel. I am using LWCAD 2020.033 beta.
Hello, is there a way to keep the element (instance) name as a part after freeze? would be usesful for export it to Rhino for documentation
I have two curves for an O letter, one for the outside and the other for the inside. I want to know if I can turn those curves into a NURBS flat surface with a hole. The Legacy Curves to Surface button doesn't do anything.
Is there a solution to devide lw cad curve into segmenth with a constant lenght? So each point should have the same distance towards the next one. Iam pretty sure there is an easy way to get this in lw-cad.
Version : LW CAD 2020.01
My target is to get a lw curve with a constant point distance for sending this one to Layout and create Spline Control from this.
Thanks for your support
As the title says. Join is a very nice tool, but when I hide geometry and use it, LW crashes almost everytime with a critical error. (LW 2018.0.7, LWCAD 2020.1)
How does the new update work with Shape Libs from older versions, I see all my Furniture etc. in the instance Tab, but cannot add them. I can select a Window or sometimes a door handle and I can then replace them all with a bookshelf, but thats not how it used to be.
How can I add furniture, deco, Columms etc as easy as stairs, fence, railing, roads, and roof?
What I am doing w
Trying LWCAD on LW 9.6, I can't complete the last step in the instructions (#6):
Open the “LWCAD Options” panel and set the "presets path" to point to the "Presets" folder.
I've added all four menu's:
menu1 Create.cfg
menu2 Modify.cfg
menu3 Edit.cfg
menu4 ArchViz.cfg
but still can't find it, please help!
See YouTube video here:
Steve S
posted Oct 24 '20 at 7:12 am
Operating System: macOS Catalina - version 10.15.7
LightWave Version: 2020.0.2 (build 3226) (Mac64) 14-Jul-2020
A LightWave crash consistently occurs when using the fence tool.
It happens immediately after placing the second point.
New to LWCAD after loading the 2020 plugins I can not seem to find them in the edit menu all i see is the 2018 ones. menu presets not showing as well.