LWCAD license older than version 5.2 is accessible from legacy page: wtools3d.com
Just go to product activation page of wtools3d.com and use download button.
Download button says 'Download lwcad 5.2.zip' but after you enter your registered email and serial number it will give you download link to proper LWCAD version.
I understand it is a little bit confusing, but this is the old legacy system.
If still problem, please use support.
LWCAD license older than version 5.2 is accessible from legacy page: wtools3d.com
Just go to product activation page of wtools3d.com and use download button.
Download button says 'Download lwcad 5.2.zip' but after you enter your registered email and serial number it will give you download link to proper LWCAD version.
I understand it is a little bit confusing, but this is the old legacy system.
If still problem, please use support.
Viktor Veličko, WTools3D founder