Dear LWCAD Cinema 4D users.
I want to inform you about the status of LWCAD Cinema 4D for 2020.
LWCAD Cinema 4D is currently updated to version 2018.31 which is fully compatible with R20-R21.
You can download the latest version in
The new Mesh TR engine which is currently under development is specially designed for LightWave and Cinema 4D.
Mesh TR is a new universal parametric modeling engine based on NURBS.
It will replace the current engine which was designed for the very early version of LightWave and then updated several times with patches for C4d and 3dsMax.
The new system eliminates all previous problems.
Porting new MeshTR tools to Cinema 4D will be done after all significant NURBS tools in LightWave will be updated.
Then you get a complete package of NURBS toolkit in Cinema 4D in very short time.
Until this big update comes to the Cinema version, LWCAD will be updated regularly to maintain compatibility with the latest C4D Rxx.
Viktor Veličko, WTools3D founder