Testing the new Road TR I ran into problems I ran into problems right away.
First create simple closed nurbs curve. (clockwise point clicks)
Next activate Road Tr. Set random width. Change lanes from 0 to 2. Note that the number of lanes is wrong. Also, the surface normal is facing down.
Close tool and activate Freeze Nurbs. Seems to work OK but looks coarse, so try adaptive and system locks up with one core working on something.
Also notice the single surface has crossed winding (infinity symbol) causing the center to be filled.
Victor, I and many Lightwavers love your plugins and will continue to support your effort.
Testing the new Road TR I ran into problems I ran into problems right away.
First create simple closed nurbs curve. (clockwise point clicks)
Next activate Road Tr. Set random width. Change lanes from 0 to 2. Note that the number of lanes is wrong. Also, the surface normal is facing down.
Close tool and activate Freeze Nurbs. Seems to work OK but looks coarse, so try adaptive and system locks up with one core working on something.
Also notice the single surface has crossed winding (infinity symbol) causing the center to be filled.
Victor, I and many Lightwavers love your plugins and will continue to support your effort.