After many years and countless requests from users, we have finally created this forum which is purely dedicated to LWCAD.
Fell free to contact us if you'll have any idea how to improve this forum.
Initial set of discussion categories is brief and simple, and we want to keep it this way.
I hope you'll like it, and you'll be coming here often to share your experience with our beloved LWCAD.
After many years and countless requests from users, we have finally created this forum which is purely dedicated to LWCAD.
Fell free to contact us if you'll have any idea how to improve this forum.
Initial set of discussion categories is brief and simple, and we want to keep it this way.
I hope you'll like it, and you'll be coming here often to share your experience with our beloved LWCAD.
Enjoy!!! ;)
Viktor Veličko, WTools3D founder
edited Jan 25 '17 at 5:46 pm