Just downloaded trai. and I am having some issues.
I am using winows 10 3d max 2016.
The UCS auto snapping is not working. I followed your tutorial on making wall and a second floor then a roof.
The roof did not snap to the second floor. UCS would not update.
Then I tried just using the primitive boxes and adding more boxes on top. Again UCS would not update.
I have UCS set to Auto and have tried left down and other options.
Would only allow me to draw in the orignal UCS.
Angle snap is working. But only works when viewport is in 3d mode. Please advise.
Plus sometimes I cant tell when I am going to move the corner I am hovering over or if it will just draw another wall to the point. Is there a way to show a highlight to know.
I this tool will be good for my studio but I would need to get over these stumbling blocks before I could suggest to my company.
Daniel Najera