This can happen from many reasons. Mostly when you messing with the configuration files. Or you are doing custom plugins install.
If curve tools are creating polygons, then LightWave doesn't have lwcad_cur.p file.
Quick fix is to install fresh or just re-add plugins in LightWave:
Open Edit-Plugins panel. <alt-F11>
And re-add plugin file: lwcad_cur.p
You should find it here: ....Program Files\NewTek\LightWave_2015.3\support\plugins\WTools3D\LWcad5
This can happen from many reasons. Mostly when you messing with the configuration files. Or you are doing custom plugins install.
If curve tools are creating polygons, then LightWave doesn't have lwcad_cur.p file.
Quick fix is to install fresh or just re-add plugins in LightWave:
Open Edit-Plugins panel. <alt-F11>
And re-add plugin file: lwcad_cur.p
You should find it here: ....Program Files\NewTek\LightWave_2015.3\support\plugins\WTools3D\LWcad5
Viktor Veličko, WTools3D founder